New Way Montessori School

Terms of Care and Other Policies


Parents send along a complete change of clothing with their child on the first day in a one gallon, sealed plastic bag with the child’s name on it. Mark each item of the child’s clothing with his/her name.


Parents of full-day children provide a blanket for use with an individual sleeping mat, which is provided for each child.


The program provides a snack in the morning and afternoon. Lunch time is from 12-12:45 p.m. Parents provide all lunch food. The school does not refrigerate or microwave food, so, bring food that your child will eat at room temperature. If you have anything that needs to be kept cold, put it in an insulated thermos or an insulated lunch box. You can also use an ice pack.

Other Items from Home

Items of special interest or need from home, such as flowers, seeds, books, pictures, insects, rocks, shells, etc. may be brought from home to the school. However, parents are advised to consult with program staff in advance if it is desired to have such items safely handled at the school and returned in good order.